Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for admission to Valynn Beauty Academy, applicants must be at least 17 years of age and have a high school diploma or equivalent. If students are still enrolled in high school they will be required to submit current transcripts. Applicants must also complete an application form and pay associated application fees.
Transfer Students
Students may transfer to Valynn Beauty Academy if they meet the eligibility requirements and have completed coursework at an accredited cosmetology school. Transfer credits will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Admissions Committee.
There is a maximum number of hours (1200) the school will accept from transfer students that did not attend VALYNN Beauty Academy. Cost for transfer students is $9.46 per hour, which does not include the cost of the student kit.
Coursework completed at an accredited school will be accepted at a 1:1 ratio of hours up to 1200 hours.
Re-entry Students
Re-entry Terms:
Pay a $100.00 re-entry fee.
Previous outstanding tuition, fees, and overtime expenses must be paid in advance or the applicant must make satisfactory arrangements with the Financial Aid Leader.
Previous hours will be credited to the Applicant’s transcripts if they were paid for in full.
Because tuition fees and costs are subject to change, reentering applicants will be contracted according to the current tuition costs and will be required to pay any additional fees, if applicable.
The re-entering student will be placed on 30-day probation. During the 30-day probationary period the student must demonstrate for that period that he/she can meet the school’s minimum attendance and academic requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Students who fail to meet the minimum attendance and academic requirements for that 30-day period may be terminated.
If a Student is terminated for failing to meet attendance and academic requirements, the tuition expense up to their termination is fully earned by VALYNN Beauty Academy and will not be refunded.
Readmission is at the sole discretion of the School and may require special conditions. Readmission for a student requires a personal interview with school administration.
Special Circumstances
A student who is beyond the age of compulsory education lacks a high school diploma or its equivalent and has the ability to benefit from the education or training offered at an institution may qualify for Ability-to-Benefit.
In order to be admitted on the basis of his or her ability to benefit, a student shall complete either:
prior to admission, complete a nationally recognized, standardized, or industry-developed test that measures the applicant’s aptitude to successfully complete the program or course to which he or she has applied, or
For courses and/or programs of 600 hours or more, after enrollment, satisfactorily complete 6 credit hours or 225 clock hours, as applicable.